Sunday, November 15, 2009
AgSec Vilsack gets the message from health-minded consumers:
I was happy to read in the Organic Consumers' Association newsletter that President Obama's chosen appointee for US Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack, has put forward the following line-up of informed administrators to the National Organic Standards Board. This news was excerpted from the OCA newsletter directly:
It's clear that Tom Vilsack could feel the heat of OCA members looking over his shoulder as he made the Obama Administration's first appointments to the National Organic Standards Board. In past years, the OCA has had to protest NOSB appointees who represented big businesses with small stakes in organic. But Vilsack's are the best NOSB appointments in recent memory. The new members of the National Organic Standards Board include Jay Feldman of Beyond Pesticides (an OCA Advisory Board member), Joe Dickson of Whole Foods, Annette Riherd (a family farmer growing organic fruits and vegetables who is a long-time buy-local-and-organic advocate), Wendy Fulwider of Organic Valley and John Foster of Earthbound Farms.
Access the complete newsletter contents HERE.
Please help keep America's organic food free and clear of potentially harmful chemicals, treatments, nanotech and genetic modifications.
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